Using the Senses to Optimise Learning - How to Activate the Five Senses

The course emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning, encouraging students to touch and interact with materials, fostering communication and collaboration among peers, and using nature as a valuable resource for learning.

Welcome to the course “Using the Senses to Optimise Learning.” This course is designed for teachers who want to enhance their students’ learning and development by engaging all of their senses. By incorporating sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste into the learning process, educators can create a more immersive and effective learning experience.

In this course, you will learn how stimulating multiple senses can help children remember and understand concepts better. You will explore various strategies and techniques to incorporate sensory learning in your classroom, such as tactile learning, active listening, visual stimuli, and practical life tasks.

The course emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning, encouraging students to touch and interact with materials, fostering communication and collaboration among peers, and using nature as a valuable resource for learning. You will also learn how to design purposeful lessons that ignite curiosity, promote creativity, and engage multiple senses.

By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of the impact of sensory learning on student engagement and retention. You will be equipped with practical ideas and resources to create a classroom environment that optimizes learning through sensory experiences. Get ready to enhance your teaching approach and create memorable learning moments for your students.

The Topics We Will Cover

  • The importance of sensory stimulation in optimizing the learning experience.
  • How to incorporate sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste into your teaching practices.
  • Strategies for creating immersive and engaging learning environments through sensory experiences.
  • The impact of sensory learning on student engagement and retention of knowledge.
  • Practical techniques for implementing tactile learning in the classroom.
  • The role of communication and collaboration in enhancing the learning process.
  • The power of visual stimuli in delivering inspirational content to students.
  • How to make learning real and purposeful by connecting it to the students’ everyday experiences.
  • Utilizing nature as a valuable resource for sensory learning.
  • Promoting essential skills development through sensory experiences.

Meet our Instructors

Gavin McCormack

Meet Gavin McCormack. He has been a teacher/school principal for over 25 years. He is the co-founder of and the Montessori Australia Ambassador, with a passion for inclusive and child-focused pedagogies. He has worked in several countries around the world, Is a children's author, and philanthropist and has trained thousands of teacher around the world.

Mark Williams

Meet Mark Williams. He is an internationally recognised professor of cognitive neuroscience, with over 25 years of experience conducting behavioural and brain imaging research focusing on our social skills. He has taught the fundamentals of neuroscience to a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as publishing more than 70 scientific articles. Mark has been awarded numerous high-profile fellowships and grants, and worked both at MIT in the USA and at universities in Australia.