How to Start a School Newspaper

100% Free* Course

This course is heavily aligned with SDG4 – Quality Education

An inspiring short-course designed to help schools to capture and publish the stories that matter through their very own school newspaper!

The newspaper will allow school children to have a voice in the community and help get their stories and goals out to a bigger audience whilst allowing them to raise money for charity and change the world!

The news is usually a place where we hear all the bad things that are happening in the world but, through learning how to write and publish a newspaper, students will shower the entire world with positive stories of hope, community and love!

If you want your students to write a newspaper to change the world, then this course is unmissable.

*100% for everyone, everywhere!

What is in the course?

During this short-course, we are going to introduce the concept of a school newspaper into your community. Your children are going to look into the latest news stories and work democratically to decide who will play the various roles in establishing your newspaper.

The children will then participate in creating their very own articles and together, they will create a school newspaper which will be sent out to families and other important people in the wider community.

Once established, the whole school will be involved in writing for the newspaper and the whole community will be reading it. Eventually, advertising space can be sold within the newspaper, with the funds able to be donated to a charity of your choice.

This will allow your students to create a worthy news source that will help make the world a better place in many ways!

Go and spread the good news everywhere!

See you in the course!

Free access this course