Edgar’s Mission is a not-for-profit sanctuary for rescued farmed animals that seeks to create a humane and just world for humans and non-humans.

Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary is set on 153 peaceable acres situated just outside of Lancefield, nestled in the tranquility of the Macedon Ranges, in Victoria, Australia.

We rescue and provide sanctuary to animals in need, currently providing lifelong love and care to over 400 rescued animals. Through education, outreach, advocacy, community enrichment and farm tours, we encourage people to expand their circle of compassion to include all animals.

You might be surprised to learn that in Australia, pigs are not protected from cruelty. They, along with cows, chickens, sheep and other farmed animals, are specifically excluded from the animal cruelty laws that protect cats and dogs. But how could this be? Pigs are just as smart, in fact thought smarter, than dogs. They have the most engaging personalities, enjoy good food and the sun, seek out companionship, love their babies and desperately try to protect their own lives.

Today farmed animal sanctuaries around the world are shining a spotlight of compassion on these once forgotten animals, and in doing so opening hearts and minds to kinder ways of living. As custodians of this planet, humans have designated some animals ‘friends’ and some animals ‘food’. Yet all animals share a need and desire to experience life, and for it to have joy, meaning and purpose. They also share a similar capacity to suffer. Edgar’s Mission provides you with a glimpse into a different world – a world of kindness.


Location: Australia
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You might be surprised to learn that, in Australia, pigs, cows, chickens, sheep and other farmed animals are specifically excluded...