Provide 350 Library Books to Rural Villages in Cambodia

Charity: Free To Shine
Location: Cambodia
Genre: Education
Most parents and grandparents in Cambodia can't read because when they were children, there was a war so they couldn’t go to school.

During the war, all the books were burnt. Today children in Cambodia love reading books together and love reading to their parents and grandparents.

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How Free To Shine’s project addresses this problem:

The mobile library will be stocked with 350 new books. The books are written in the Cambodian language, which is called Khmer, and the pictures show Cambodian animals, houses and people. The mobile library travels to more than 50 rural villages.

Children and families will have books to enjoy sharing. 50% of the books will be purchased within 3 months of funding. The remaining 50% will be purchased within the next 3 months of funding.

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Free To Shine:

  • Promotes safe communities for children through safety visits, social work interventions and community trainings;
  • Supports the education of girls by providing financial and material support and improving their access to basic rights, and;
  • Develops women in leadership by investing in the next generation of Cambodian women through training emerging leaders and funding university degrees.

More Information

Visit Website: Free To Shine