Is your community in need of more books and better educational facilities? A library could be installed in your school FREE OF CHARGE. Submit your application below.
If your charity is ACNC registered, DGR endorsed, and would like be to be featured on a global network alongside other amazing charities, please apply below.
Please watch this short video from Gavin McCormack & Richard Mills discussing the process for submitting an application for a new library.
If your school is under-resourced and in need of a new library, please apply below.
Criteria for filling out the form:
1. You must work at the school and have the permission of the head of the school (i.e. the principal) to apply
2. You must upload up to 3 photos of your school at the end of the form so we can see your school.
3. Your school must be under-resourced and in need of the library
If your application is successful, we will be in contact with you to discuss the next steps in the process.
Criteria for filling out the form:
1. You must have ACNC registered, and DGR endorsed
2. Your mission must align with one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
3. Your charity does not do harm to the environment or it’s inhabitants
If your application is successful, we will be in contact with you to discuss the next steps in the process.